Mr. Som Nath Verma
An experienced and highly qualified senior advocate, having lot of experience in the field of law & other fields. Being from the Engineering background has vast knowledge to handle those types of cases where expertise in that particular field requires. Being the senior most member in our team and being so qualified that his mere presence provide great support to the others in the team.

Mr. Sanjay Verma
Co- founder
He is an experienced person in different field starting from his initial years of his career into service, manufacturing & trading business. He is known to the core of the businesses and the attitude of the people regarding business transactions. He is the person who knows, how to proceed in different fields, what are the necessary requirements, what are the agreements required or other intricacies. He has specialization in cyber laws.Regarding the latest of laws of Cyber, Criminal etc.Being an electronic as his field and with a Cyber Diploma he knows the latest i.e. IP Laws, IT Act, E-commerce etc. His knowledge is his main attribute and rare combination of education being BE,LL.B with dip in cyber law. He updates his knowledge by regularly going through the orders & journals of various courts. His attitude towards learning and his confidence is greatest attribute to the team.

Mr. Naresh Kumar Sharma
Principal Associate
An experienced campaigner throughout in the field of law since 1991, almost 15 long years in the Courts of Delhi where his work in this field itself tells about his success story. He also has a Diploma in Labour Law. He takes and enjoys taking up Criminal & Labour cases. He is hard working and result oriented person. He take up the matter and work whatever time he got after court to prepare the case with confidence and work on it till its final conclusion. He is experienced campaigner in Labour & criminal cases.He knowledge of this field is too vast as fighting legal battles in various courts of India since last so many years.

Mr. Jitender Kumar
Principal Associate
He is an experienced and important person in the team who make people to work in most difficult situation, being his most important tool i.e. Hard work. He never seems fatigue while he is working for some cause to fulfill. He is in practice since 1998 in various courts of Delhi & NCR. He has specialization in cases related to Criminal Jurisprudence. He takes up the matter related to Negotiable Instrument Act & cases related to BSES,insurance etc. He is eager to discuss the details of the orders by higher courts to increase his knowledge of cases related to his field of practice.

Ms. Seema Minocha
Principal Associate
An experienced person to handle laws relating to Company Law, Intellectual Property Law, Civil laws & Matrimonial Laws etc. She is efficient in her field of operations, confidant in the procedures and observations of Law, and increases her knowledge by updating herself going through the latest orders and Journals. She is boon to us, by every time discussing the latest order with the team, thus in turn updates the knowledge of the total team. She is in the field of Law since 1995 and practicing in various Delhi Court. She has experienced to handle Legal aspect of the Corporate World being associated with them as their Legal Officer for substantiate amount of her career.

Mr. Yougal Minocha
I.C.W.A; C.S.
An experienced person in the field of establishment of Companies since its incorporation till its final destination i.e. when it starts functioning and profit making. Looking after all the aspects of financial details, registrations, loan sanctions etc. He is in this field for the last 15 years. He with his team looks after the Corporate Contracts, Company laws, IP Laws etc. He knows the latest to be efficiently representing this field.The income tax & other financials details and remedy his part of profile.